Mother sitting with Childern

Geothermal energy is the exciting method of drawing heat in the winter and cool air in the summer from below ground. A few feet below the ground, the Earth maintains a constant temperature regardless of the season. We can draw that energy up for our own use, without having to burn fossil fuels to run our furnace or air conditioner. But is geothermal energy all it is cracked up to be? Join us to explore geothermal energy’s pros and cons for home use.

Pros: Efficiency

How efficient is a geothermal heat pump? For every 1 unit of energy used to power your geothermal system, 4 units of heat energy are supplied. That’s about 400% efficient! Geothermal heat pumps can achieve this efficiency because they don’t create heat – they just transfer it.

Cons: Upfront Cost 

One of the challenges of geothermal energy is simply being able to afford its upfront costs. The system needs to be installed underground.  Excavation is required in install the loop system in the ground, either horizontally or vertically as well the actual equipment cost itself is considerable.

However, you can apply for a rebate through the Greener Homes Grant Program.

Are you looking to learn more about geothermal rebate programs in Ontario? Contact our team at Link ClimateCare for information.

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Pros: Insulation from Costs

Geothermal is not dependent on gas to run. That means you’re insulated from the rising costs of gas prices and from carbon taxes to some degree.

Geothermal systems also last a very long time, so you also don’t have to worry about the costs of replacing them every ten or so years, as you do with furnaces and air conditioners.

Cons: Geothermal requires skilled installers and designers

In general, having your house inspected by a professional is always advisable before a big home improvement project. However, in some cases, you might be able to swing a new furnace purchase on your own, or by hiring a handy friend or neighbor to install your new AC unit.

A geothermal system install is definitely not this kind of DIY project. For geothermal heating and cooling that will pay you back in dividends as a highly efficient system, you need to make sure that it’s designed and installed correctly by qualified technicians, who are few and far between.

Other Geothermal Energy Pros and Cons Chart

Here are some other pros and cons to geothermal heating and cooling that you may want to consider.

Pros of Geothermal Energy Cons of Geothermal Energy
  • Does not produce significant pollution
  • High costs for repair if needed
  • Ideal for small and large homes
  • Takes a long time to pay off its initial investment
  • Minimal space required for equipment
  • Still need electricity to operate them
  • Not dependent on sun or wind
  • Greener Homes Incentives won’t last forever
  • Smallest carbon footprint of any heating or cooling system
  • Loop Installation may disrupt your landscaping

Are you interested in implementing a geothermal energy system in your home? Contact the industry experts at Link ClimateCare today to learn more.

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