When you’re wondering how to consume less energy at home, it’s kind of like fixing your budget. You can cut back on tiny purchases to some degree, but you’re better off trying to lower your biggest payments. You might want to look at which appliance consumes the most energy and try cutting back on those to make the most meaningful impact.
First, you need to know what draws the most power in your home. While that will depend on your home, there are some places we know you should look.
1. Heating and Cooling
It is most likely that your air conditioner or furnace is what uses most of your energy. It may even approach half of the energy that you consume, depending on the weather and what else you run in your home. So, the best way to make an impact on your utility bill is to cut down on how much energy these appliances need to use.
There are a few ways that you can try to limit how much energy they use:
- Buy more efficient units: If you have an old furnace or air conditioner, upgrading could be very significant energy savings. Newer models use much less energy for the same heat or cold. Of course, buying new equipment is an investment, but one that can pay itself off. Your HVAC technician can help you estimate when the upgrade will pay for itself.
- Change the temperature: In summer, turn the temperature up. See if you can get used to a slightly higher temperature. The same goes in winter but lower the temperature instead.
- Keep them off longer: In the spring, try to keep your air conditioner off. Use fans instead to circulate air and help you cool down. In fall, try to keep your furnace off, weather permitting. Start wearing sweaters and heavy socks inside instead.
Are you looking to upgrade to a more energy-efficient HVAC unit? Consult our team at Link ClimateCare today.
2. Water Heaters and Pumps
Managing water is the next big-ticket item on most people’s utility bills. Heating water is expensive, just as heating the rest of your home is. We wouldn’t recommend you turn down the temperature on your water heater though, as doing so can lead to dangerous bacterial infections. Instead, buying a more efficient water heater is a good idea.
Water pumps for wells and pools, as well as other pool-related things like heaters, are also likely major sources of utility usage. However, it can be dangerous to outright turn any of these off. You can turn down the pool heater, but not the pool pump.
3. Major Appliances
Major appliances are another major draw of power in your home. Refrigerators, freezers, ovens, microwaves, even humidifiers are all big energy spenders, although not even close to a furnace or air conditioner.
4. Lighting
Lights, when all combined together, may use more energy than your fridge. Make sure you’re using energy-efficient LED lights.
Summary: The Winner (or Loser?)
Generally, a home’s HVAC appliance consumes the most energy in many households. Therefore, upgrading to a more efficient model or system will have the greatest impact on your home’s power usage.
Upgrade to Energy-Efficient HVAC Today
Are you looking for more information on how to save energy in the winter? Ready to make the upgrade? Contact Link ClimateCare today, we would be happy to help inform you.